UNLOCKING THE POWER OF BEAUTIFUL STATE (BLISSFUL BEING ) :- a profound state of consciousness that can transform our lives.

  Unlocking the Power of the Beautiful State:  a profound state of consciousness that can transform our lives.

Raj Dham

Life Coach, Cocreator of Body Mind Programming (BMP), Heart-Mind Approach (HMA), Heart-Mind Yoga, and Bio-Cellular Healing.


Imagine living a life where every moment is filled with purpose, joy, and fulfilment. Where every decision is guided by clarity and confidence. Where every relationship rooted in deep connection and understanding. This is the promise of the Beautiful-State, a profound state of consciousness that can transform our lives in profound ways.

But how do we access this state, how do we experience this state in which body is relaxed at cellular level, and mind is calm and quiet-a thoughtless state conductive for reprogramming our body mind system? How do we unlock its potential and live a life that is truly extraordinary? The answer lies in the Heart-Mind Approach (HMA), a powerful process that aligns our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our heart’s natural rhythm. It is the state of being that is not dependent on external circumstances but is rooted in our inner world. In this blog, we will explore the process of accessing the Beautiful State using the Heart-Mind Approach, Rhythmic Balance, Pacific Harmony, Heart-Mind Coherence, and Heart Meditation. Our aim is to create a state of harmony and cooperation which represents happiness, love, peace, gratitude, curiosity, compassion, optimism, and high energy levels. We can also call it “peak state” where a person performs to his/her best abilities.

BMP(Body Mind Programming) a neuro programming system developed by us is based on Heart-Mind Approach and programming is done in the Beautiful State .

“The Beautiful State is where love, compassion, and kindness reside. Beauty is the radiance of the soul. In the Beautiful State, love is the only language that matters “


Understand how any action or doing any-work  in the Beautiful State helps in the peak performance, we must know about the Neuro Associative Conditioning (NAC) which is a fundamental concept in neuroscience that describes how our brain connects and strengthen neural pathways. The phrase “What fires together, wires together “ is a popular summary of this concept, coined by neuroscientist Donald Hub. When we experience an event, thought, or emotion, specific neurons in our brain are activated. If multiple neurons are activated at the same time, they start communicating with each other. Through repeated simultaneous activation, the brain associates the connected neurons, connecting a network of related thoughts, emotions, or experiences. This fact we have made use of in the Beautiful State.


For being in the Beautiful State, we have developed systematic step by step process which is given below:

1.    Rhythmic Balance: Body. Mind, and breath is inextricably related. Irregular activities cause irregular breathing. Emotions cause change in breathing. Begin by establishing a rhythmic balance in your life by aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions and for this we have developed Rhythmic Balance Vehicle which uses part by part relaxation using sensory brain map, rhythmic breathing, visualization. In this rhythmic balance vehicle, we use the principle that when the breath is controlled, body and mind tend to be controlled; if the breathing is rhythmic, the conscious mind is relaxed and tends to become still.

2.    Pacific Harmony: Cultivate a sense of inner peace and harmony by letting go of resistance and embracing the present moment. For this we have develop Pacific Harmony Vehicle which uses Affirmations and Visualizations for relaxation. This is pacification, which is deep relaxation, a vey vital step in going to the Beautiful State. Regular practice will enable us to enter deeper levels of consciousness. With pacification, there arises a feeling of harmony in body, mind, and spirit. When the conscious mind is relaxed and peaceful, we can reach our subconscious mind effectively from the conscious mind. This is because ripples and disturbances in the conscious mind make it very difficult to focus and it takes an effort to look inward into the mind to reach the subconscious.

3.    Heart-Mind Coherence: Focus on aligning your heart and mind, allowing them to work in harmony and coherence. This is achieved by taking awareness to the heart and to breath (watching breath), affirmations, and visualization to produce the Heart-Mind Coherence. We also purify the heart by filling it with abundance of love and transmitting love within and throughout the world.

         Heart -Meditation: Practice heart meditation to quiet the mind, listen to your heart, and access the Beautiful State. This is achieved through practices such as focusing on the heart centre , visualising a bright light, and repeating heart centred affirmations. 

     " When  you cultivate inner beauty, outer beauty follows. In the Beautiful State, love is the only language. The heart is the hub of all sacred spaces. A beautiful heart is the most attractive quality."

The experiments with the Beautiful State have shown slowing down the brain waves, actioners experience alpha and theta waves.


1.    Inner Peace: Experience a deep sense of calm and serenity, even in challenging situations.

2.    Clarity and Purpose: Gain clear direction and purpose, making decision making easy.

3.    Joy and Happiness: Feel a sense of joy and happiness that is not dependent on external factors and circumstances.

4.    Improved Relationships: Experience deeper, more meaningful connections with others.

5.    Self-Transformation: Beautiful state is conductive for programming and reprogramming. We use in Body Mind Programming (BMP) and Heart-Mind Leadership.

6.    Increased Productivity: Achieve more with less effort, as you are aligned to purpose.

7.    Stress Management: The Beautiful State makes people feel calmer and helps with many stresses related illnesses.

8.    Creativity and Innovation: Beautiful state is conductive for finding creative and innovative solutions to problems. I have been conducting programs in Creativity, Innovation, and Transformation in which participants find the process of going to the Beautiful State extremely useful.

          Spirituality: I have been teaching the practice of going to the Beautiful State to yoga students and they experience their true nature and discover their relationship with the creator.

"   The little Space within the heart is as great as the vast Universe . The Heven's and the Earth's are there. The Sun, the Moon,and the stars are there , fire, lightening and wind are there and that now is and  all that is not, utilize the power" 



In For the last more than ten years I have been teaching people the methos developed by me Being in the Beautiful State . I am giving here a few case studies:

     1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: A 35- years-old marketing executive, struggling with stress and anxiety practiced the Beautiful State based on the Heart-Mind Approach. He started practicing gratitude, self-reflection, and heart meditation, leading to a significant reduction in stress levels and improved overall well-being. His work  performance also improved.

       2.  Improved Relationships: A young couple on the brink of divorce attended my Beautiful Workshop. By applying the principles, they learned to communicate effectively, let go of resentments, and cultivate empathy and understanding. Their relationship transformed and they are now enjoying deeper connections. 

3     3.Overcoming Addiction : A former addict, struggling with substance abuse, found solace in the Beautiful State principles By cultivating  self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion, he overcame his addiction and now helps others struggling with similar issues.

      4. Enhanced Creativity: An young designer, experiencing a creative block, applied the Beautiful State principles. By embracing curiosity, and silencing self- criticism, she tapped into her creative potential and produced some of her most innovative designs,

       5. Improved Physical Health: A person struggling with chronic pain and illness adopted the Beautiful State mindset. By focusing on self-care, mindfulness, and stress management, experienced significant improvements in their physical health and overall well-being.


The Beautiful state is a powerful state of consciousness that can transform our lives in profound ways. By using the Heart Mind Approach, Rhythmic Balance, Pacific Harmony, Heart-Mind Coherence, and Heart Meditation, we can access this state and experience the profound benefits. Remember, the Beautiful State is not a destination but a journey. With consistent practice and patience, you can unlock its potential and live a life of purpose, joy, and fulfilment.

Sat-Chit-Ananda =Satchidananda signifies the state of pure being or existence, consciousness or awareness, and bliss, which is considered the ultimate goal of human existence.

Who needs a beach body when you can have a beautiful state of mind. What do you call a person who has reached the Beautiful State? Normal? Just kidding, that is not the thing.


You are welcome to contact me for guidance and free sessions online.

Raj Dham

Founder of ATAMABODH Centre for Learning


+919845287581 Bangalore,  India





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