Alladin Ka Chirag



I (R.K.Dham) was a small child when in 1947 partition of India took place and my parents along with me and my elder brother moved to Punjab in India from west Punjab ( now in Pakistan).  We stayed in refugee camp at Patiala in Punjab and as the tents were in shortage we stayed in open under a big tree. When it used to rain my parents will put me in a big hole in the tree to protect me from rain. They had left their village in Sargodha now in Pakistan leaving behind all the valuables and traveled to India with just the clothes on their bodies.

 My father, who was a school  teacher took up teaching and I grew up under these  conditions. I was fascinated by the story of Aladdin Ka Chirag (Magical Lamp)  in which the Jin appears when the lamp was rubbed to fulfill all the wishful desires of the person who had the lamp. As a small boy I got  obsessed with the desire  to have such  a lamp and my search started. I used to ask everybody where and how I can get the lamp. When I asked my father about it he told me that if I sincerely keep on working hard and looking for it one day surely I will succeed in getting it, as  God as our father always tries to fulfill our desires. He advised me to keenly study, and from that day  I started  taking very  keen interest in studies. I was always trying to come first in the school and as far as I remember throughout my studies I always stood first. While studying  I used to make envelops from waste newspapers and magazines to  earn some money. My  whole family and my town people were very happy when in high school exams I stood first in the whole district and secured a rank in the State and the merit scholarship was awarded to me for further higher studies. I graduated in Engineering from REC/NIT Bhopal in Mechanical Engineering and I did  Post Graduation (D.I.I.Sc) in Industrial Management from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore after studies I  got a job in Bharat Electronics Ltd Bangalore as an Industrial Engineer. My search for the Aladdin Ka  Chirag continued and even  in my dreams  I was working for this. I got married and after a few years left the job and  became an entrepreneur and started a Small Scale Industrial Unit at  Chandigarh and progressed. I was blessed with 2 sons and a daughter.


In 1984 when I was in Chandigarh my elder son 10 years and my daughter 7 years were studying in a school in Chandigarh. In  my search for the Aladdin Ka Chirag I became interested in mind power and learnt power of subconscious mind, creative visualization, auto suggestion and started practicing it vigorously. For expanding the business the company planned to  open the regional office at Bangalore to market the products in South India and I took over the charge for the Bangalore Office and for that I decided to stay in
 Bangalore. I had  to search for a good school in Bangalore for my children. I taught visualization process to my son and daughter. I  asked them to visualize in their mind with closed eyes everything about the school, the building and the staff etc in which they are going to get admission at Bangalore. Both of them proved to be very good at visual images and started ‘seeing’ the school and reported that the school has the following – a small hill in the school where children play, multistoried building and the staff mostly  ladies only. When they came to Bangalore and finally got admission in the school, both of them told Papa this is the school which we used to see. To my surprise the school had an hillock ,multistoried and all  the teachers ladies only. This created more interest in  me

In 1986 in Bangalore  I met Prof Jiten Bhatt from Vadodara a great engineer and a scientist and a holistic health promoter. He ( Jiten Bhatt)  removed my neck collar which I was using due to acute cervical spondilysis problem in one sitting itself. I started wondering at how he did it? I  became his disciple and learnt healing methods like Reflexology, Acupressure, Magneto  Therapy, Pyramid Power, SWAISO, Yoga, Meditation, etc and became interested in the Holistic Healing. Under the guidance of Prof. Jiten Bhatt and with the active help of Late Shri.  D.M.Chandrashekar, Chief Justice of Karnataka, established a Public Charitable Trust  in Bangalore with a view to spread  Holistic  Healing Movement by conducting workshops, Training Courses and Healing Camps etc

I was attending the World Conference on Holistic Medicine at Bangalore organized by Dr. Mathai. In the keynote address at the Conference Dr. R.M.Varma a renowned neurosurgeon and former director of  NIMHANS Bangalore narrated his experience with the healing of brain tumour of a young lady. The tumour was malignant and he as a neuro surgeon decided to operate upon her to remove the tumor. During the operation then her skull was opened, multiple tumours wide spread over were observed. Deciding against the operation, as the case appeared hopeless he left the tumor untouched and closed back the  skull. However,  when the lady became conscious, after the incident in a distracted state of mind he told her absent mindedly that the operation had been performed. Later the  doctor told his juniors that the chances of her survival were very low as the tumors had spread all over. The lady was discharged from the hospital with some  medicines. After a few months, a bright and healthy lady met the surgeon with a bouquet of flowers .she greeted him saying “Doctor do you recognize me I had come to you and you cured me of brain tumour through operation. I am now fine and have come to thank you for giving me healthy life. Please see my medical reports.” The surgeon was amazed. He did his investigation again. The multiple tumours had completely disappeared, what made the tumours vanish ? What was it that bettered the great surgeon?  After a couple of days of reverie and sleepless nights I met my Professor Dr. K.N.Krishnaswamy of Indian Institute of Science and discussed with him about the incident. He also had  a similar information to give back. He recounted how he came across a case of miraculous self cure of cancer (Leukemia) published in Readers Digest.

We started working together thinking, researching and meditating on how the brain tumor disappeared . Our thinking pattern was in the lady’s mind it was that the operation has  been done successful and she was hoping and expecting that she will become healthy. This thought might have triggered the inbuilt healing mechanism, which might have  healed her. When we were thinking on these lines we came across the view of
 medical  sciences that “Our Nervous System cannot distinguish between the real experience and  the vividly imagined experience”. With this our line of thinking got more clear and then we came across “ Psycho Motor Activities” and Psycho Neuro Immune System. In the laboratory setups vividly  imagined movements showed on the instruments the motor muscles getting activated (triggered).We both kept on working, meeting frequently, discussing,  studying.

Person with one side Paralysis and Voice loss recovers

About 10 years back former Vice President of India Shri. B.D.Jatti staying in Bangalore had a stroke and lost his voice and his one side was  paralyzed. He was on the bed. Chief Justice (Rt) D.M.Chandrashekarji who was very close to me took me to  Shri. B.D.Jatti I started treating him with Acupressure and Spinal healing massage I was going everyday morning to his house for this. During this period,  I came across work done in “Psycho Motor Activities” and an idea flashed to me that I should try “Psycho Motor Activities” concept on him along with acupressure. discussed this with him and he agreed for it. I taught him relaxation, simple meditation ,watching the breath and visualization, mind imaginary etc.. During my discussions with him he mentioned that he vividly remembers his visit to Japan, the people whom he met ,the places he visited etc. I just told him before going to sleep in the night in the bed to do simple deep breathing for relaxation and then to observe the breath  for sometime and then to recollect his visit to Japan and trying to recollect  all the details involving meeting the people, talking to them, visiting places etc .He started doing this exercise every day before going to sleep and on just waking up in the morning. He told me that he is enjoying this exercise and feels that as though he is actually talking, walking  and shaking hands. Within a week or so he observed improvements as he started taking a few  foot steps and talking some words. This improved further and started  moving around in the house and talking clearly. After some time his sons had  a function at Jatti Motors and he attended the  function, participated in the puja etc. Next day when I went to his house he appeared very happy and told me that after the puja, he climbed the stairs to 2nd floor for the refreshments although he was told he can be at  ground floor and the refreshments can be served to him here . He was very happy and I too was excited at this. From that day onwards he became quite active in his life and traveled frequently to Delhi.


At my house, everyday morning I was helping people suffering from various ailments through holistic healing systems without charging any money to overcome their various psychosomatic ailments. From my patients I learnt how healing works. I started working regularly with my Prof. K.N.Krishnaswamy on the above experiences. We started discussing studying and analyzing by meeting together frequently. I also started discussing with my daughter, Pallavi a psychiatrist. She shared with me her experiences in  treating the interesting cases and she also told me about Minor neurons and plasticity of brain cells . Dr. K.N.  Sharma, Chief Executive of M.S.Ramaiah Medical College and Super Speciality Hospital Bangalore presented me a very interesting book “Phantoms in the Brain” by Dr .V. Ramachandran a neuro physiologist I read and reread the book and was amazed with the working of the brain and that the people experiencing pain in the
 parts of the body which have been imputed and how he solved the phantom pain phenomena .

One day as I was meditating the thought came that our Body Mind System (B M S ) has something like an inbuilt  mechanism / system which strives to accomplish our desires / goals. The moment  one  feels thirsty the BMS starts working and takes a decision at that moment what can  quench our thirst and after this does automatically all the necessary activities to fulfill  our thirst. As I was thinking about the inbuilt automatic goal accomplishing  mechanism within us, I went to a trance and after sometime shouted loudly Aladdin Ka Chirag ( Magical Lamp ) is discovered . I met my Professor Dr.K.N.Krishnaswamy and discussed about this he said you are right as Dr. Max also has a similar views in his book “Psycho Cybernetics” in which he also has felt the same. Napolean Hill in his book “ You can work your own miracles” has written whatever the human mind can conceive and believe can be achieved. This statement also indicates the existence of an inbuilt goal achieving mechanism (Aladeen ka Chiraj).

 New age guru Deepak Chopra in his book has given the English translation of Maharishi Patanjali’s one of the Yoga Sutra as When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extra – ordinary project all your thoughts break bounds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself  in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a great person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” Thus in this Yoga Sutra Maharishi Patanjali has also indicated about the Automatic Goal striving mechanism within  everyone of us.
Every one of us has a ‘Aladdin Ka Chirag’ ( Magical Lamp) an inbuilt Automatic Goal Achieving  Mechanism within our Body Mind System (BMS). If you decide  about your specific goal, and convey the output desired to your inner incredible  Body Mind System and if you are totally committed to achieving your goals, the inbuilt automatic goal striving mechanism will help you in achieving your goals. Is it not like a “Aladdin ka Chirag”. Swami Vivekananda a great saint from India has also written “ Every Soul is Potentially Divine the goal is to manifest that divinity within” Here Divine refers to capability of achieving anything (goal).  Scientist call our BMS as Incredible Machine, a super, super computer capable of gettingprogrammed for
achieving any goal.

Development of BMP ( Body Mind Programming ) a Holistic Neuro
Programming Techniques    
Above developments slowly lead to the Development of a new Systematic 7 step Neuro programming technique jointly by Prof. K.N.Krishnaswamy and myself (R.K.Dham) BMP is a tool for Self Transformation to achieve our goals and finding creative solutions for our problems. It helps us to become what we want to be.My daughter Dr. Pallavi a psychiatrist at present in Adelaide Australia   has also joined us for further research work in B M P.


The art and science of BMP is a Systematic Seven Step procedure for developing conditions for reaching the inner divinity ( infinite power)  and  planting worthy goals in it. Once the seed is   planted, the magic of materialization takes place as the “ Seed has the potential to become the tree”.

The BMP is based on the following :-

1.  All our past experiences ( acts, feelings, learning ) from the day we were conceived in the womb of our mother are recorded and stored as engrams in our brain and we can term them as impressions /Samaskaras. Some of the experiences occur repeatedly and these form important impressions /  programmes which control how we behave, how we react to a particular situation or problem, it also control our habits and even skills.

2.  To achieve our worthy goals, we have to appropriately change our Behaviour, Attitudes, Habits, Reactions etc. These changes can be brought about by changing embedded programmes in our brain suitably. BMP has been  developed to bring about appropriate changes in the embedded programmes.

3.  It is felt that our nervous system cannot distinguish between a real experience and vividly imagined experience. While developing BMP we got  the idea of developing the procedure/ methodology for creating a ‘Synthetic Experience’  or ‘Virtual Experience’ using mind imaginary and creative visualization techniques in a meditative state and for this we developed four B M P vehicles – Rhythmic Balance, Pacific Harmony, Synthetic Nurturing and Implantation. In this state of body and mind our nervous system takes the imagined experience as a real experience and accordingly it (nervous system) reacts to it and desired changes in behaviour like habits and attitudes are brought in. Our book on B M P “Create your Future through B M P   ( Body Mind Programming)” has been completed. The first draft of the book is ready. We are looking for a suitable publisher.We feel B M P is a new paradigm for Self Transformation – bringing about desired changes in ones behaviour including attitudes and habits to help in achieving ones goals in our journey from what we are to what we want to be. B M P makes use of the Automatic Goal Striving Mechanism – Aladdin’s  Chirag  ( Magical lamp).


  1. Visualize black hole or an infinite bright space.......choice is ours.

  2. Dear sir, this book available in hindi? If yes then where it will available.Give detail.

    1. At present it is not available in Hindi .With Google Translator you can see in Hindi


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