The Paradox of Sickness:

Unlocking the Secrets of Our Inbuilt Healing Mechanism.

By Raj Kumar Dham

Life Coach and Healer.

  • Creator of Bio-Cellular Level Healing, the Beautiful State, BMP ( Body Mind Programming) , BMP Kriya, Heart-Mind Approach and Heart-Mind Yoga.



We are born with an incredible gift- an inbuilt healing mechanism that can mend broken bones, stich cuts, and create an entire being from a single cell. This remarkable system has the power to maintain and sustain us, yet we fall sick. Why?

The answer lies in the intricate web of trillions of cells that make up our body. Our health depends on the health of these cells, which are fuelled by two essential factors: KI (energy) and KETSU (blood). Every moment, millions of cells die, and new ones are formed. In a year, we essentially get a new body, yet we don’t get a healthy one. What’s going wrong?

The truth is, our genes are not solely controlled by DNA, but by the energetic environment around our cells. This means that our thoughts, emotions, and surroundings have the power to shape our health. With this understanding, I have developed Bio-Cellular Level Healing- a revolutionary method that creates an energetic environment around individual cells to influence genes manifestation.


Imagine being able to unlock your full potential, free from chronic diseases and limitations. Imagine a world where we can harness our inbuilt healing mechanism to live vibrant, healthy lives. It is time to tap into the incredible power within us and unlock the secrets of keeping our cells heathy.

Join me on this journey of discovery and transformation. Let’s unlock the true potential of our inbuilt healing mechanism and create a healthier, happier world- at cellular level.

The Paradox of sickness:

Every moment millions of our body cells are dying and are being replaced by new cells, in a year almost we get a new body (old cells replaced by new cells). If the new cells are healthy, we can get a new body free from sickness; but it is not happening, people continue having the chronic sickness. Why? Before dying perhaps, the sickness is getting transferred to new cells, but how? Can we stop this? Cellular communication and the transfer of information from old cells to new cells is a complex process. While cells don’t directly “transfer” sickness, they can pass on damaged cellular components, epigenetic changes, or stress signals to new cells. This can contribute to the perpetuation of disease.

"I told my cells to behave, but they are a little 'divided' on the issue. "

"Why did the cell go to therapy? Because it was feeling a little 'split' ! "

"I am not arguing ,  I am just explaining why my cells are right"

"What do you call a cell that is feeling sad? A blue cell"

Approaches to stop or minimize this transfer:

We have developed BMP Kriya (a mental) procedure, using breathing, relaxation, visualization, energy centres, primordial sound vibrations and imagery to create a positive environment for making optimum use of various approaches from epigenetic to cellular detoxification etc.

1.   Epigenetic reprogramming:

Epigenetic reprogramming involves influencing gene expressions to promote healthy cellular behaviour. By reprogramming epigenetic markers, we can prevent transfer of harmful genetic information from the old cells to new cells, effectively breaking the cycle of disease.

2.     Cellular detoxification:

Cellular detoxification is the process of removing damaged cellular components, toxins, and waste products that can contribute to disease. This approach helps to cleanse cells of harmful substances, reducing the likelihood of transferring sickness to new cells. By promoting cellular detoxification, we can ensure that new cells are born healthy and free from toxins.

3.     Stress reduction:

Chronic stress can lead to cellular dysfunction, making cells more susceptible to disease. We have developed the Beautiful State to mitigate stress signals that can lead to cellular dysfunction. By reducing stress, we can prevent the transfer of stress -related sickness from old cells to new cells, promoting a healthier cellular environment.  

"Stress and Anxiety have become part of modern life. Too many people are getting crushed under these evils tan anything else. May it be a complicated relationship, bad job, too much responsibility, or lack of money , you always end up with stress and anxiety. Through meditation you can train your mind to be calm and stress free in every situation."

4.     Cellular Rejuvenation:

Cellular rejuvenation enhances cellular renewal and regeneration processes, allowing cells to maintain their youthful function. This approach focusing on promoting replacing damaged or aged cells with healthy new ones. By rejuvenating cells, we can prevent the transfer of age-related sickness from old cells to new cells.

5.    Energy Balancing:

Energy balancing involves maintaining optimal cellular energy levels (KI/KETSU) to support healthy function. When cellular energy is balanced, cells can function optimally, reducing the likely hood of transferring sickness to new cells. By promoting energy balancing through yoga and zen practices, we can ensure that the cells have the energy they need to to maintain health and wellness.

6.    Intercellular communication modulation:

Intercellular communication modulation regulates signalling pathways to prevent harmful information transfer between cells. This approach focuses on modulating signals that can lead to cellular dysfunction, ensuring that healthy signals are promoted. By modulating intercellular communication, we can prevent the transfer of sickness from old cells to new cells.

7.    Telomere length:

Telomere length maintenance preserves telomeres, protecting against cellular aging. Telomeres are protective caps on chromosome ends that shorten with each cell division. By maintaining telomere length, we can prevent cellular aging and reduce the likelihood of transferring age-related sickness to new cells. Preserve telomeres to ensure healthy cellular aging.

8.     Seno lytic therapy:

Seno lytic therapy removes senescent cells that can contribute to disease. Senescent cells are aged cells that no longer divide and can release harmful signals, leading to cellular dysfunction. BY removing senescent cells, we can prevent the transfer of sickness from old cells to new cells, promoting a healthier cellular environment.

9.    Nutrient and antioxidant support:

Nutrient and antioxidant support provides essential nutrients and antioxidants to promote cellular health. This approach focuses on

Provide essential nutrients and antioxidants to promote cellular health. This approach focuses on nourishing cells with nutrients they need to function optimally, reducing the likelihood of transferring sickness to new cells, by supporting cellular nutrition, we can ensure that cells have the resources they need to maintain health and wellness.

Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is the anchor -- The Beautiful State 

Bio-Cellular Level Healing:

To create an energetic environment around individual cells to influence gene manifestation. This approach focuses on promoting healthy gene expression, allowing cells to adopt a healthier phenotype. By creating a supportive energetic environment, we can prevent the transfer of sickness from old cells to new cells, promoting a healthier cellular environment.

" Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax."

--Bryant McGill  


By exploring these approaches one can minimize the transfer of sickness from old cells to new cells, promoting a healthier body. We have developed a procedure to be in the Beautiful State in which inbuilt healing mechanism starts working efficiently.


In conclusion, the paradox of sickness is a complex puzzle that has puzzled humans for centuries. Yet, by unlocking the secrets of our inbuilt healing mechanism, we can discover the key to optimal health and wellness. The approaches outlined in this article offer the glimpse into the vast potential of our cellular healing capabilities.

As we continue to unravel the mysteries of our cells, we may uncover even more groundbreaking solutions to the world’s most pressing health challenges. But one thing is certain – our bodies hold the power to heal themselves, and it is time we tap into that power.

If you are ready to unlock the secrets of your own inbuilt healing mechanism and discover a life of vibrant health and wellness, I invite you to connect with me. Together, let’s embark on a journey of discovery and transformation. Contact me to learn more about Bio-Cellular Level Healing and start your journey to optimal health.

Raj Dham BE, MD(AM), DIISC.

Founder of ATAMABODH Centre for Learning and Healing.

Bangalore, India









  1. I love healing and have been in this for almost four decades and I have helped quite a large number of people. I have learned a lot from my patients and that has given birth to Bio-Cellular Level Healing . I thank them for this.


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