Designing Your Own Life - Some Thoughts and Ways


Everyone would love to live a happy, healthy, successful, and fulfilled life. But in reality majority of the people are not happy with the life they are leading at present. The World Happiness Report published every year clearly shows that a significant population is unhappy across the world. One of the major reason for this may be that they are not living the life of their own choice.


Bill Burnett and Dave Evans of Stanford University wrote a book 'Designing Your Life' to help people lead a life of their own choice.  It is based on the 'Design Thinking' ; that the designer starts designing a product or services to meet the requirements of the customer or client. First the designer studies the requirements in detail. Once the requirements are very clear and specific; the designer starts designing to meet and satisfy the requirements.  Then the designer comes out with feasible solutions, uses design tool-kits. Evaluation of alternatives is done and  prototyping may also be performed. It is thought that,  same design thinking process  can be applied to designing human lives . K.N. Krishanaswamy and Raj Kumar Dham of the Indian Institute of Science have written a book "Create Your Own Future Through Body Mind Programming "; using the programming approach.


Designing the Life is much more complex and challenging than designing the product or services. Life is ever evolving and requires bringing desired changes in behavior, mindset, and beliefs - to match with the accomplishment of purpose, mission, and goals . The powers or the inner creative essence of man is in the potential form, which is to be tapped and made use of . The man doesn't know very clearly, what exactly he wants in life. Many people may be having multiple choices, more than one likings or passions. The designing approach and the system should have a method to help the individuals  in knowing their the purpose and meaning in life, coming out with the alternatives, a method for evaluating and selecting from them.

"A life that is generative - it is constantly creative, productive, changing evolving, and there is always the possibility of surprise." - BILL BURNETT 


Life 'center' is what guides our decisions and motivates us to act ; it provides  principles as pivots of  life. Choosing a life center may be the first step in designing the life. Principles are the ideal core because they allow us to seek the best alternative through conscious choice, knowledge , and values. A Personal Mission Statement expressing your personal sense of purpose and meaning in life acts as a governing constitution by which you evaluate decisions and choose behavior. Personal Mission Statement (PMS) helps in the process of  designing  life. Once the Personal Mission Statement (PMS) is prepared working out the goals say for the coming five years becomes clear, simple, and easy. The goals should cover all the areas of your life: personal development, career/ business/ financial, adventure, and contributions. Work-Life Balance(WLB), is essential in life for having a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. It helps in  living a successful, purposeful, and fulfilled life. 


 As most of the people have more than one passion or liking,  coming out with alternatives say two to four is desired. It is good to limit the alternatives to maximum of four, as more than four may create more confusion.  

Next stage is evaluating the alternatives and selecting one. This becomes important as life is involved, which is precious. Factors like what you love; what are your strengths or what you are good at, what the world needs including the future projections; and what you can be paid for (Finance/ Money/Prospects ) should be considered and weightages can be given to each factor. Conversations with the other people who are in that field can help.  A field trial/ apprenticeship for a short period is also useful to have a personal experience, which can help in taking the final plunge.


Designing your life is  the most creative project of your life. You are the artist. What are you going to make?. Here are are some thoughts to help you:-
1. Start with gratitude and joy before starting designing your life. Your body should be relaxed and mind calm and quiet. 
2. Know your values- make a list of values and principles ; otherwise you may be working towards somebody else's life.
3. If you have some role models, by whom you are inspired. Study them keenly , 
4. Get inspired to design your life. Once you get inspired, transformation starts taking place, and helps you not only in designing but living the life also.
5. Learn to looking inward and spending time listening to stories which are going on . Learn meditation, mindfulness.
6. Dream your ideal life, as it is said mental creation precedes physical creation . Every physical creation begins as a mental creation - as a thought, a perception . Creative visualization and positive affirmations help. Albert Einstein has said " Imagination is more powerful than knowledge . Great thinker, scientist, and former president of India, APJ Abdul Kalam wrote in his book,  Ignited Minds , Dream, Dream, Dream. Dreams transform into thoughts; And thoughts result into action. .
7. Think about the legacy you want to leave behind; what impact on the world you can make to make the lives of people better.
8. Do a life audit , to find out how you are doing and where you wan to go . Continuous feedback helps .
9. Build your self  confidence and keep it high it is said your main obstacle is you. Techniques like yoga , meditation, body mind programming can help in keeping your self esteem high .
10. Make a list of habits and attitudes you need to live the life you want.
11. Start the living the life of your choice. Keep on taking the steps; journey is made of steps and at a time you can take one step. 

A Tool- Kit is required, not only for  designing the life but in leading or living the life also . Many people find that Body Mind Programming (BMP) covers the eleven points listed above and finds it useful in designing their lives.

Your comments, suggestions, and critical views are welcome.. I am looking forward to hearing from you. For more details you feel free to contact me.

Raj Kumar Dham ; +919845287581 


Bangalore India 

References :-

1. Creative Confidence by Tom Kelley and David Kelley 

2. Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans 

3. Create Your Own future Through Body Mind Programming by K N Krishnaswmy and Raj Kumar Dham 

4. Ignited Minds by APJ Abdul Kalam 

5. IKIGAI by Hector and Francesc Miralles.


  1. Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose - a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye --Mary Wollstonecraft shelly .

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Monty .You can join me for my Master Class at 5pm Saturday on Zoom

  3. Very inspiring and true. Extremely important especially nowadays when stress levels are high and it's hard to fetch for solutions outside.

    1. Thanks Anuradha .You are welcome to join my Learning Master Class Saturday at 5 pm on zoom .Click to REGISTER

  4. Especially in the COVID Environment , people are finding it very useful. One can overcome Mental , Emotional and Financial stressors .


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