
Showing posts from May, 2021

Creativity, Innovation, and Transformation - Understanding Our Creative Inner Essence ; Barriers to Creative Thinking and Some Ways for Removing

Creativity and Innovation has to facilitate the transformation of individuals work roles, teams, and organizations into desired future states. It should be aimed at benefiting the humanity as a whole. Our lives are being disrupted by pandemics, global warming, wars, and political chaos. We must prepare for an unpredictable and unknown future - and this is the aim of Creativity, Innovation, and Transformation process we are talking about in this blog. We will be talking about discovering our unique creative and innovative nature, growing our sense of responsibility to ourselves and our community or society.   Creativity and Innovation are an essential requirements for the 21st century of fast changing technology, increasing aspirations of people and competitive environment. Creativity and Innovation are the fundamental elements of success for any organization or individual.  New and better ideas are needed  for almost  every sphere of  your professional and personal lives for improved p

Designing Your Own Life - Some Thoughts and Ways

THE NEED FOR DESIGNING YOUR LIFE  Everyone would love to live a happy, healthy, successful, and fulfilled life. But in reality majority of the people are not happy with the life they are leading at present. The World Happiness Report published every year clearly shows that a significant population is unhappy across the world. One of the major reason for this may be that they are not living the life of their own choice. DESIGN THINKING  Bill Burnett and Dave Evans of Stanford University wrote a book 'Designing Your Life' t o help people lead a life of their own choice .  It is based on the 'Design Thinking' ; that the designer starts designing a product or services to meet the requirements of the customer or client. First the designer studies the requirements in detail. Once the requirements are very clear and specific; the designer starts designing to meet and satisfy the requirements.  Then the designer comes out with feasible solutions, uses design tool-kits. Evaluati