Can we have the Aladdin Ka Chirag( Magical Lamp ) ?

While developing BMP ( Body Mind Programming) we felt that the way the human ( body -mind ) system is working there must be something like a " Automatic Goal Striving Mechanism- AGSM) " in built in us . This occurred to me(Raj Kumar Dham) when I observed my grandson Tripan 11 years old working on robotics - programming the robo assembled from a kit for performing certain functions like identifying the colour of the objet , picking up the object and placing it at other place ....very simple things when we as humans do it but requiring so much of programming effort and instructions using sensors & motors etc ! A thought just flashed how many robos inside our body-mind system and who is writing the programmes ?Contemplation on this thought in meditation flashed - so many robos writing their own programmes automatically --AGSM ! What do you think about this ? 
Consider when you are feeling thirsty; the decision is taken by the ' inner computer ' how you can quench your thirst - water ,cool fridge water ..Once the decision is taken say cool fridge water then your ' inner computer ' having so many robos fitted with sensors,motors ,cameras .....start working following the automatically written programmes to execute your goal( quenching the thirst ) -going upto the fridge in your house ,opening the door,taking out the water bottle from the fridge ,taking out the glass ,poring the water into the glass ,drinking the water........this you all have observed .Can this happen without a mechanism -which you can call -AGSM ? 
Is this AGSM not a Aladin Ka Chrag (Magical Lamp )? You have a Magcal Lamp just become aware of the existence and start using it . This gave a birth to BMP . Our book " Create Your Own Future through Body Mind Programming ( BMP ) is under publication and is expected to be released this month . Share your thoughts .


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