
Showing posts from 2021

Exploring MINDSET - How it is formed and how it can be changed- Programming and Reprogramming the Mind.

Mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel and behave in any given situation. Dr. Carol Dweck explains "why it is not just our abilities and talents that bring us success - but whether we approach our goals with a fixed or growth mindset. With the right mindset, we can motivate our children to raise their grades, as well as reaching our own goals - both personal and professional" . Mindset is the way to fulfill your potential. In this blog I will be discussing about my exploration into how mindset is formed. If we know how mindset gets formed, it can reveal the ways to bring the desired changes in the mindset. I request you to critically review my thoughts on this and express your thoughts in the comments. You are also welcome to contact me. I will be replying to all your queries and comments. I am looking forward to it. How mindset is formed? Professor Dweck in her book MINDSET talks about how the me

IMAGINATION AND KNOWLEDGE - Let's Explore How Both are interconnected !

My exploration started when I read what Albert Einstein had said " Imagination is more important than knowledge , and  the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination, Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take everywhere". That time I was doing my post-graduation in Industrial Management after completing graduation In Mechanical Engineering. It was a big surprise for me as so for all the stress and focus has been on knowledge and knowledge alone . Nobody taught us about Imagination. As I had a great regard for Einstein as one of the greatest scientist, I started contemplating about imagination.  In this blog I will be discussing about my exploration, what is imagination, how imagination can help in our day to day life, how imagination can help us in finding creative solutions to our problems, and how imagination can be nurtured ? I will be also sharing with you about my journey in developing a system to help people in using the power of imagination

Our Brain has a 'Goal Striving Mechanism' - Let's Learn How to Make Use of it

In this blog I am going to discuss about  how, I came to know about  the existence of ' automatic goal striving mechanism' in the human brain. Then,  I started exploring this mechanism.  I started working on finding the means and ways of making use of this magical mechanism for achieving whatever we want in life, and for improving the quality of life.  Here is my story. I look forward to your views and thoughts on this, so that jointly we can take it forward.  MY OBSERVATIONS My grandson who was studying in 5th standard became interested in robotics and joined the class for learning. He got a kit and started working on making a robot to perform   certain functions like identifying the objects by colors, picking up a particular color piece and moving it to some location. I observed him doing this quite keenly. I watched him writing programs to first identify the objects by color, estimating the distance, making the robot move that distance by programming, picking it up, moving

Creativity, Innovation, and Transformation - Understanding Our Creative Inner Essence ; Barriers to Creative Thinking and Some Ways for Removing

Creativity and Innovation has to facilitate the transformation of individuals work roles, teams, and organizations into desired future states. It should be aimed at benefiting the humanity as a whole. Our lives are being disrupted by pandemics, global warming, wars, and political chaos. We must prepare for an unpredictable and unknown future - and this is the aim of Creativity, Innovation, and Transformation process we are talking about in this blog. We will be talking about discovering our unique creative and innovative nature, growing our sense of responsibility to ourselves and our community or society.   Creativity and Innovation are an essential requirements for the 21st century of fast changing technology, increasing aspirations of people and competitive environment. Creativity and Innovation are the fundamental elements of success for any organization or individual.  New and better ideas are needed  for almost  every sphere of  your professional and personal lives for improved p

Designing Your Own Life - Some Thoughts and Ways

THE NEED FOR DESIGNING YOUR LIFE  Everyone would love to live a happy, healthy, successful, and fulfilled life. But in reality majority of the people are not happy with the life they are leading at present. The World Happiness Report published every year clearly shows that a significant population is unhappy across the world. One of the major reason for this may be that they are not living the life of their own choice. DESIGN THINKING  Bill Burnett and Dave Evans of Stanford University wrote a book 'Designing Your Life' t o help people lead a life of their own choice .  It is based on the 'Design Thinking' ; that the designer starts designing a product or services to meet the requirements of the customer or client. First the designer studies the requirements in detail. Once the requirements are very clear and specific; the designer starts designing to meet and satisfy the requirements.  Then the designer comes out with feasible solutions, uses design tool-kits. Evaluati

BMP(Body Mind Programming ) A New Paradigm For Creativity, Innovation, And Transformation

Creativity has the amazing power to give you renewed enthusiasm  and energy - even in the most difficult circumstance like we all are facing  due to COVID environment . Creativity gives the solutions to problems . Creativity helps us to prepare for an unpredictable and unknown future . Creativity is within everyone , it is one of our most powerful inner resource , which can be tapped and utilized . It seems that creativity starts with some problem or need and moves in various ways through a series of stages, consisting of gathering information , analysis of the information , digestion of the material (synthesis ) , incubation or forgetting the problem , sudden inspiration (the aah moment ) , integration , implementation , and incarnation . But the creative process can be different and unique for every person and every problem . It is mainly with accessing and tapping the inner creative resource . We all wonder " Where do ideas come from ?' .The source of creativity has been a

Seed Becoming a Tree- How can we use this mystery to manifest our goals ?

I was about seven or eight  years old and we were living in a small town .We had a small garden in our house. My father who was a school teacher was growing vegetables in our small garden. I used to watch him gardening and asked  him from where the leaves and  colorful  flowers have come. In the seed there were no flowers neither in the soil . One day he made me to select the seed , I selected red seed of a bean (Rajmah) from the seeds in the plate and jointly with him prepared the soil and planted the seed in the earth .We together used to water. I was very keenly watching everyday rather many times in a day. One day I was amazed and  happy to see something in green coming out of soil - the aah moment, I jumped and went to my father to show him. I  became a keen  observer, watching how  day by day it is growing  bigger and bigger. And then one day - I saw the flowers and then a bean getting formed. Soon so many Rajmah beans came.  As a small child I was wondering that from a seed whic