
Showing posts from February, 2021

BMP(Body Mind Programming ) A New Paradigm For Creativity, Innovation, And Transformation

Creativity has the amazing power to give you renewed enthusiasm  and energy - even in the most difficult circumstance like we all are facing  due to COVID environment . Creativity gives the solutions to problems . Creativity helps us to prepare for an unpredictable and unknown future . Creativity is within everyone , it is one of our most powerful inner resource , which can be tapped and utilized . It seems that creativity starts with some problem or need and moves in various ways through a series of stages, consisting of gathering information , analysis of the information , digestion of the material (synthesis ) , incubation or forgetting the problem , sudden inspiration (the aah moment ) , integration , implementation , and incarnation . But the creative process can be different and unique for every person and every problem . It is mainly with accessing and tapping the inner creative resource . We all wonder " Where do ideas come from ?' .The source of creativity has been a

Seed Becoming a Tree- How can we use this mystery to manifest our goals ?

I was about seven or eight  years old and we were living in a small town .We had a small garden in our house. My father who was a school teacher was growing vegetables in our small garden. I used to watch him gardening and asked  him from where the leaves and  colorful  flowers have come. In the seed there were no flowers neither in the soil . One day he made me to select the seed , I selected red seed of a bean (Rajmah) from the seeds in the plate and jointly with him prepared the soil and planted the seed in the earth .We together used to water. I was very keenly watching everyday rather many times in a day. One day I was amazed and  happy to see something in green coming out of soil - the aah moment, I jumped and went to my father to show him. I  became a keen  observer, watching how  day by day it is growing  bigger and bigger. And then one day - I saw the flowers and then a bean getting formed. Soon so many Rajmah beans came.  As a small child I was wondering that from a seed whic